Prof.Archana Kaul [PRINCIPAL]

I have the privilege to welcome all the students to this great abode of learning. This is the prestigious institution in Ramban District that provides unique opportunities for the development of the young minds in an inclusive and conducive atmosphere. This type of atmosphere is the reflection of the vision and mission of Higher education Department, J&K Govt.
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Academic Programmes


The college offers 6 semester (spread over 3 years) undergraduate progamme of Bachelor in Arts (B.A), Bachelor in Science (B.Sc) and Bachelor of Commerce (B.Com) , under Choice Base Credit System (CBCS) of University of Jammu.

Choice Based Credit System (CBCS)

With the objective of bringing a shift in teaching learning process from teacher centric to student centric that permits a flexible and interdisciplinary approach in learning besides providing an opportunity to the learner to choose electives from a wide range of choices available, CBCS has been introduced at UG level from session 2017 – 18

Under CBCS each programme is based on the Credits which is the weight age given to each course. It is the numerical value assigned to course according to importance of the content and contact hours required to complete its teaching / learning. Total numbers of credits is 136 for B.A/B.Com, 140 for B.Sc to be completed in 6 semesters of 3 academic years with semester I to IV of 22 credits each and semesters III to VI of 24 credits each for B.A/B.Com and I to II semester 22 credits and III-VI 24 each for B.Sc.

The courses under CBCS for study by a student at UG level comprise:

A: Core course:

Core course needs to be compulsorily studied by a candidate as a core requirement. There shall be a total of 12 core papers, with 4 papers from each core subject to be studied in 4 semesters (I - IV).

B: Elective courses

Discipline Specific Elective Courses (DSE), Generic Elective Courses (GE), Project/Dissertation to be studied in semester V and VI comprising three papers of 6 credits each.

C: Ability Enhancement courses

i. Ability Enhancement Compulsory Courses (AECC) Ability Enhancement Courses include Communication English/Urdu/Hindi to be studied in Semester I and VI and EVS in semesters I and II. Each ability enhancement course is 2 credits

ii. Skill Enhancement Courses (SEC) Skill Enhancement Courses are to be studied in Semesters III – VI, one paper of 4 credits in each semester and the student will have the option to choose from a range of the choices.

iii. Generic Elective Courses are to be studied in Semester-V and VI one paper of six credits in each semester only the students of B.Sc. and will have the options to choose from range of choices.