Prof.Archana Kaul [PRINCIPAL]

I have the privilege to welcome all the students to this great abode of learning. This is the prestigious institution in Ramban District that provides unique opportunities for the development of the young minds in an inclusive and conducive atmosphere. This type of atmosphere is the reflection of the vision and mission of Higher education Department, J&K Govt.
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Under the Semester system, introduced by the University of Jammu, the 3 year B.Sc./B.A Degree Programme shall be spread over 6 semesters, with 2 semesters in each year. On completion each semester will have an external examination which is referred to as 'End Semester Examination' which will be conducted and evaluated by the University of Jammu. Apart from this there will internal assessments tests for both Practicals and theory in every semester to be conducted by the College

Eligibility, Pass Percentage and Promotion Criteria under Semester System

i. A student shall be eligible for Semester End Examination provided he / she has attended not less than 75 % of the lectures delivered in each course in theory and in practical classes conducted separately.

ii. The minimum marks required to pass each paper in a Semester end examination shall be 36 % of the total marks in each theory paper, practical (wherever applicable) and Internal Assessment separately..

iii. A student will be eligible for promotion from semester I to II and from Semester III to IV and V to VI if he / she has

  • Secured pass marks in Internal Assessment of Semester I / III/V
  • Has appeared in at least one paper of Semester I/III / V examination.
  • iv. Similarly, a student shall be eligible for promotion from Semester II to III, and Semester IV to V provided he / she has passed at least 50 % credits of theory and practical of Semester I / III as the case may be. Provided that a student who does not fulfill the promotion criteria iii and iv as above shall be declared fail in the Semester concerned. However, he / she shall have the option to retain the marks in the papers in which they have secured Pass marks.

    A student who has to reappear in a paper / subject prescribed for Semester I to IV shall appear in the subsequent examination to be held as per the dates notified by the University of Jammu.

    vi. A student who has to reappear in a paper prescribed for Semester V and VI shall appear in the supplementary examination.

    Internal Assessment under CBCS pattern

    20 % of the marks allotted to each theory paper and 50% of marks allotted to each practical paper are reserved for Internal Assessment.


    There shall be one internal assessment test of 20 marks in all the subjects. Pattern for question paper shall be, one long answer type question of 10 marks and five short answer type questions of 2 marks each.


    Out of total marks for Practical, 50 % are reserved for internal assessment. Internal Assessment marks for practical shall be distributed as 20% each for attendance and viva voce and 60% for day to day performance and internal test. The marks for attendance in practical shall be awarded on the basis of following scale:


    Shortage case From 75.01% to 80%

    2 marks


    From 80.01% to 85%

    3 marks


    From 85.01% to 90%

    4 marks


    Above 90.01%

    5 marks

    Supplementary Examination

    There shall be supplementary examination for Semester V and VI only.

    Attendance in lie of participation in games etc

    Any candidate who participates in games, cultural and other co-curricular activities as defined below with the prior approval of the Principal concerned shall, for the purpose of condoning deficiency in attendance incurred by him/her on account of such participation, be treated as present on all the working days during the days of his/her absence on such account for a period of 15 working days in a semester programme subject to maximum of 30 working days in an year.

    (a) State representation in International/All India Competitions organized by agencies which are recognized by the Board of Sports and Youth Welfare.

    (b) Participation in the Inter-University Competitions held under the aegis of a University or any other recognized Institution as a member of the University team.

    (c) Participation in the Inter-College Competitions organized by the University as a member of the team of participating Institutions.

    (d) Participation in the N.C.C., N.S.S. and National Integration Samiti activities as a member of recognized Institutions.

    Participation in the Coaching Camps/Rehearsals prior to participation as a member of State or University team in the National/All India/ Inter- University Competitions

    Participation in the Mountaineering/Hiking/ Trekking/Skiing /Rock -Climbing or other such activities organized under the aegis of the State Government/University as a member of the Institution affiliated/ recognized by the University.

    Note: For Outstanding cases (requiring attendance waiver due to duty beyond 30 days) special permission may be sought from the Vice Chancellor/Competent Authority on recommendation of the Principal Concerned.